Worship - November 15

This Lord’s Day morning, November 15, at 11:30 a.m., we will worship together at Western Springs Christian Reformed Church. See below for the REVISED COVID-19 protocols for inperson worship at WSCRC.

For those unable to be present for worship, this service will be recorded and a link posted on this page as soon as possible. You will also find here links to the bulletin and hymns for your convenience. 

Recorded Worship Service for November 15, 2020
(available shortly after the conclusion of the 11:30 a.m. service)

Bulletin for November 15, 2020

(available the Saturday before worship) 


11:30 AM Worship Service at WSCRC
362, O People Blest, Whose Sons in Youth
510, Thou Hidden Source of Calm Repose
344, O 'Twas a Joyful Sound to Hear 

When coming to indoor worship, please be aware of the procedures we need to follow in order to maintain use of the church building.

Please note, the protocols as they are revised for worship at WSCRC:

  1. Your temperature will be taken with a contactless thermometer and you will be asked to answer a few screening questions. If you’re temperature reads 100.4 or higher, you may not enter the building.
  2. Attendees will be ushered to their seats from the front to the rear of the sanctuary practicing “family distancing” and only seating in every other pew. The pews will be marked for use or non-use. If necessary, the balcony may be used.
  3. Attendees must wear a mask covering your nose and mouth at all times when in the building, including during the worship service.
  4. Singing during worship is not permitted.
  5. Attendees are advised not to engage in hand shaking or other physical contact while in the building.
  6. Hand sanitizer will be available for use throughout the facility. 
  7. After the service concludes, please remain seated and wait for an usher to dismiss your pew starting from the rear to the front of the sanctuary.
  8. We will ask anyone who is sick to refrain from entering the church building.
  9. We will ask 1) anyone >65 years of age, 2) anyone with underlying immunodeficiency and, 3) anyone with underlying chronic diseases such as lung disease, heart disease or diabetes not to attend.